Alexandra W.D. Bremers

PhD Candidate in Information Science at Cornell University, based at Cornell Tech, New York, NY. I work with Wendy Ju and François Guimbretière, investigating physical machines as smart, interactive collaborators to support people during fabrication tasks. My minor is in computer science – mainly computer vision and computer graphics.
I hold an M.S. in Information Science from Cornell, an M.S. in Artificial Intelligence from Utrecht University, and a B.S. in Industrial Design from TU Eindhoven. I briefly studied automotive human-technology interaction at Warwick University. From 2017 to 2020, I worked as a Human-Machine Interface Researcher at Jaguar Land Rover, UK, collaborating with Cambridge University. While at Jaguar, I was selected for the 2018 Oxford-Cambridge cohort of Rising Women in Science and Engineering (RisingWISE), and recognized for innovation through JLR & Tata Innovista. I also worked at Toyota Research Institute and Accenture Labs in the Bay Area, and at National Taiwan University.
In addition to my technical work, I worked on art and design projects, and won awards in creative and print writing. In 2020, I received the Royal Commission of 1851 Industrial Fellowship to pursue a PhD in Engineering at University of Cambridge.
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